====== templates ====== ===== BiCGSTAB ===== 適当にソースコードを拾ってくる. wget http://www.netlib.org/templates/double/BiCGSTAB.f wget http://www.netlib.org/templates/double/BiCGSTABREVCOM.f wget http://www.netlib.org/templates/double/STOPTEST2.f wget http://www.netlib.org/lapack/util/dlamch.f getbreak.fは拾い物. あとは,メインとなるプログラム,マトベク用プログラムのmatvec,前処理を解くpsolveを用意. コンパイルはこんな感じで.blasが必要. gfortran dlamch.f BiCGSTAB.f BiCGSTABREVCOM.f getbreak.f STOPTEST2.f main.f90 -lblas main.f90 module variables real(8),allocatable :: a(:,:),b(:),x(:),work(:,:) integer n end module variables module libmatrix use variables contains subroutine MATVEC( ALPHA, X, BETA, Y ) real(8),intent(in) :: alpha,beta real(8),intent(in) :: x(n) real(8),intent(out) :: y(n) y(:)=alpha*matmul(a(:,:),x(:))+beta*x(:) end subroutine MATVEC subroutine PSOLVE( X, B ) real(8),intent(in) :: b(n) real(8),intent(out) :: x(n) x(:)=b(:) end subroutine PSOLVE end module libmatrix program main use libmatrix integer ldw,iter,info real(8) :: resid=1.d-6 n=3 ldw=3 iter=3 allocate(a(n,n),b(n),x(n),work(ldw,7)) a(1,:)=(/1.d0,0.d0,0.d0/) a(2,:)=(/1.d0,1.d0,0.d0/) a(3,:)=(/1.d0,0.d0,1.d0/) b(:)=(/1.d0,2.d0,3.d0/) call BICGSTAB(3,B, X, WORK, LDW, ITER, RESID,MATVEC,PSOLVE, INFO ) write(*,*) x end program main getbreak.f DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION GETBREAK() * * Get breakdown parameter tolerance; for the test routine, * set to machine precision. * DOUBLE PRECISION EPS, DLAMCH * EPS = DLAMCH('EPS') GETBREAK = EPS**2 * RETURN END